Google Jumps on the Mobile Bandwagon
Google is finally getting on the mobile bandwagon.
With the turn of events that have been spearheaded by mobile users – Google is now on the hunt for websites that are not mobile-friendly or lacking a mobile alternative online. Over the past few months, Google has been sending out love-letters to website owners letting them know that their site is not mobile friendly and is now offering a number of pointers and recommendations to keep site owners on track. This is both good and bad for website owners.
The benefit is that it gives current owners some idea that their site is lacking opportunity; the downside is that Google may start flexing their search muscles and slap you in the ranking department. Sites that have met the Google mobile evaluation are receiving a “Mobile Friendly Badge” which will appear in search results.
If your site is not formulated to accommodate mobile users, now is the time to start investing in the largest growing web audience in recent times.
Learn more about preparing your CMS-based website for mobile users –
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