
How to Market Your Brand on Social
So you thought you could get away with posting the exact same content on each of your businesses social channels? Well, think again. With the way, social networking is developing the convenient “schedule it and forget it” strategy is no longer effective. Many marketers think they have the system beat. They create a stellar post with effective copy and entrancing graphics and use scheduling tools to post it across all of their social platforms. Despite the alluring convenience of this strategy, time saved in the present will hinder your long-term social efforts.
In order to move forward it’s important to recognize that each social network caters to a different type of user. Make sure you are aware of your social audience’s expectations on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Each social channel calls for a different type of interaction. Discover the best content for each social platform by having a clear understanding of the different users on each platform. Also, always be sure to test which content resonates with which platform.
Here are some helpful hints to remember when crafting posts for each social network:
- Graphics: Make sure each of your graphics reflect your brand’s style guide. This will create a sense of community and build trust between your brand and audience. Eventually, your audience will start associating elements in your graphics with your brand.
- Content: You can be more descriptive and longer-winded on Facebook. Users on Facebook are more open to reading and digesting content so you don’t have to be as paranoid about the length of your content post.
- Side Note: Make sure to delete the URL in your Facebook post after it auto populates the thumbnail. The thumbnail will remain even after the URL is deleted and users can click it to get to your website or landing page.
- Graphics: Originally, Twitter catered more to content but now it’s just as important to include an image with your tweet. According to Hubspot, tweets with images see a 55% increase in leads. Make sure your images are the correct size (440×220) or you might as well not use them.
- Content: Short and sweet is the best policy for content on Twitter. Most Twitter users expect quick and digestible content. Creating content for Twitter can be compared to crafting headlines for a blog. Try to keep tweets down 120-130 characters.
- Side Note: Twitter users can appreciate witty tweets, but make sure you are still incorporating your brand.
- Graphics: Are usually smaller but still contribute to increased engagement especially if you’re attempting to gain more comments.
- Content: Expect a more sophisticated audience. LinkedIn caters to professionals so make sure to adapt your posts accordingly. One post a day is a sufficient amount for LinkedIn.
- Side Note: Make sure you utilize LinkedIn Groups. LinkedIn Groups allow you to collaborate with like-minded users of similar interests.
Although some companies have adapted and embrace content marketing through social channels, others resent the constant and rapid changes that occur as we continue to progress. Between creating original content for a blog, crafting unique content (for each social platform), and producing innovative images social media can become a full-time job.