
What I Learned from My First Internship

August 11, 2020



Any experience is valuable.


After being sent home during March of my freshman year at the University of Maryland due to COVID-19, simultaneously many of my classmates began to lose internships they had initially secured for the upcoming summer. As I was searching for my own internship opportunities, most of what I found had been converted to part -time, remote positions. Although I was hesitant at first, I applied to become a Social Media Intern at Liquified Creative and am beyond thankful that I did. To have this experience during a time when many other college students, unfortunately, lost their positions in a tremendous opportunity, and I was happy to have supervisors that dedicated time and attention to accommodating the work-from-home situation. Although it was an adjustment to be working from home for my first internship, this position helped me become adjusted to what it’s like working in an agency, experience a true remote work situation, and also allowed me to keep my part-time serving job. Any experience invaluable, and you may be surprised at how accommodating companies can be to adjust to any personal scheduling conflicts or adjustments needed.



Start internships EARLY.


After only have completed my freshman year at UMD with no prior agency experience, I was extremely intimidated as I began my internship at Liquified Creative. Although no college courses can truly prepare you for agency experience, my confidence grew throughout the summer. Even though this experience was entirely new to me, I found that I always had resources to help if I was confused about an assignment. My internship at Liquified Creative has given me hands-on experience in agency work and has made me feel much more prepared as I begin upper-level marketing courses in my upcoming sophomore year at UMD. I am confident that my experience at Liquified has given me a head start both academically and professionally.


Internships are learning experiences outside the classroom.


Besides giving me first-hand experience with digital marketing and social media strategy, my internship at Liquified also gave me insight into the work of other employees outside of my field. I got to sit in on several company calls to hear the different tasks of each employee and also watch the graphic design process for one of my assignments. Even though my internship was focused on digital marketing, I think having an overview of how each position in an agency environment is connected was an extremely valuable part of my experience.


Ask for feedback.


For me, feedback was one of the most valuable pieces of my internship experience. Since I had no previous agency experience, it was hard for me to determine if I completed my assignments correctly. It was very helpful to see revisions of my assignments so that I knew how to improve my work moving forward. Constructive feedback provides a great foundation for applied knowledge and will only benefit any skillset as it evolves.

By: Jessica Prestia As a rising Senior at the University of Maryland, the internship search became increasingly difficult due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As internships…