Plan for PR Success in 2023
Goals serve as the catalyst of change.
What better time to plan for change than the start of a new year?
As we jump into 2023, it’s important to know that now is a valuable time to take the opportunity to refocus on your organization’s public relations strategy and ensure that the efforts you’re undertaking will set you up for success all year long.
You’ll want to make sure that the goals you’re setting are within reach, and ultimately realistic. Though, you do want to challenge yourself. Take the time to sit down and think about your professional goals –this is crucial when it comes to your organization’s growth.
After your PR goals are set, you should think about how you’ll evaluate and approach them. Make sure you’re thinking critically through all of the communication activities that will be part of your upcoming PR campaign and ensure they connect to the broader goals of your organization.
Whether you’re a novice or an experienced communicator who just needs a little refresher, here are four key things you need to know about setting your organization up for PR success in 2023:
Goal: Research, Plan, then Implement
Evaluation: As a PR professional, it is important to understand the value of researching and planning. Many professionals avoid fleshing out a research document however this step should not be skipped. If you don’t have an execution plan, details can slip through the cracks. Think about it this way; the time you spend creating a well-thought-out plan will allow you to save time in the long run and ultimately operate more efficiently. When it comes time to implement, you’ll have a roadmap to guide you through the process. Without this research and planning, you may not be able to meet your goals. After all, strong implementation of your PR plan is the end goal. It’s key to always remember that researching and planning are the backbone of success.
Goal: Strengthening Professional Relationships
Evaluation: Are you looking to build strong relationships this year? In PR, building and maintaining personal relationships with journalists, editors, anchors, and more is key. Nowadays, journalists’ inboxes are inundated with pitches and emails. If you’re looking for a way to stand out and truly get the attention of journalists, then begin by connecting with them on LinkedIn and giving them a follow on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Being a regular follower of a journalist that you’re pitching will help you to get to know them. Then, you can create a more personable email when drafting up a pitch. From mentioning a post they shared of a restaurant to sharing your praise about a recent article that they published, a personal touch goes a long way. The question to ask yourself when you’re evaluating this goal is: Are you connected and following key journalists in your industry?
Goal: Stay Up To Date On Trends
Evaluation: In today’s media landscape, trends continue to come and go. To stay on top of the latest and greatest, you should regularly keep up with industry news. From signing up for newsletters to simply just reading the news, there are numerous ways to stay informed. In addition, Twitter is a great place to stay on top of industry news as well as speak with industry experts. Many professional organizations such as PRSA offer webinars and seminars throughout the year. It’s always a good idea to check out these organizations’ websites for event calendars for upcoming events as well as certificate programs that can help you master trending topics. So, to stay up to date on trends: make sure you are utilizing all of the resources available to you.
Goal: Quantify Your Work
Evaluation: Arguably maybe the most important part of any strategy is determining whether the communicative actions you performed as part of the campaign actually met your intended goals. Start by gathering information that will help you determine the effectiveness of your strategy. For example, if your plan included outcome-based objectives, you need to have some method to properly evaluate the campaign performance, whether it’s sending out a survey or looking at data. (Check out Spin Sucks for some great tips on which metrics you should be evaluating) Whatever findings you uncover during the evaluation phase will become the foundation for your next plan, and even offer tips for ongoing optimization. Need help figuring out where to start? Begin with strategically thinking about the method and reasoning behind your campaign. Doing so will set your campaign up for success!
Now that you have inspiration for 2023 goal setting, set aside the time to sit down and start developing your goals and planning your strategy. Above all, goal setting and planning will allow for greater direction, focus and efficiency. So, what are you waiting for? Start setting yourself up for PR success!