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Annapolis Plastic Surgery


Crafting Beauty and Nurturing Confidence through Ongoing Retainer Services


Annapolis Plastic Surgery is the home of Dr. Bryan Ambro and Dr. James Chappell, board-certified plastic surgeons that sculpt dreams into reality. Their sanctuary of rejuvenation offers an array of facial plastic surgery, body contouring, non-surgical procedures, and reconstructive surgeries. From the moment you step through the doors,  their dedicated team ensures a patient journey that is not just exceptional, but profoundly comfortable. At the heart of their practice lies an unwavering commitment: to enhance natural beauty while fostering an environment of serenity. Every detail, every step, is meticulously curated to ensure every experience is as soothing as the results are stunning.


Annapolis Plastic Surgery approached Liquified for ongoing creative and marketing support in an effort to reshape their brand and amplify their presence. Seeking an all-encompassing approach, they engaged with us for services such as blog writing, social media marketing and management, print ad design and management, digital advertising, email marketing, graphic design, and public relations support.


We began with a panoramic view of their brand landscape, determining what did and didn’t work as far as their previous marketing efforts. We identified their short term and long term goals, and turned those objectives into actionable strategy. Over the years, we’ve evolved their brand identity across an array of mediums. We even designed and developed a modern, responsive website that mirrors their practice’s aesthetic and allows both current and new patients to navigate with finesse. In tandem, we also produced various corporate videos, including a practice overview video and a series of patient testimonials .


An ever-growing brand presence that continues to maintain their cornered market presence through their industry-leading services and our team’s ongoing strategic marketing and award-winning creative support.


2021 Communicator Award – Annapolis Plastic Surgery “Culture Video”, Award of Excellence