
Improve Your Marketing Strategy: Paid Amplification Pays Off
Although organic SEO is still prevalent throughout the upper echelon of companies, frequently the real edge is provided for those with the deepest pockets. Consider the mass amount of social noise competing with your voice. The few with the bullhorns can be heard across the crowd.
According to KISSmetrics, every month thirty billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook alone. Paid amplification (boosting) improves your target audience visibility immediately—delivered in a strategic manner chosen by your preferences. It also offers more immediate results. In order for website pages to move up in search results, SEO requires an indexing ‘waiting’ time while pages are crawled by Google, indexing them accordingly by content. Your company will need a strategic ‘blend’ of paid and organic social exposure in order to thrive this year. To find out more more marketing trends. To find more ways to help drive successful marketing results click here.