fbpx Liquified Agency


health-care, non-profit, tech

Combating a Crisis One APP at a Time.


S.A.F.E. Project Treatment Locator was developed with the goal to assist individuals and family members in defining the right set of opioid treatment centers nationwide that best match their individual needs. Currently, this web-based app is being used by 911 centers in select states in order to provide information to combat the opioid crisis in the United States.


To develop a web-based app that allowed users to input their individual/unique needs, substance dependency, lifestyle requirements, and preferences to output a scored result. Scored results were based on geographic location, individual criteria, facility specializations and capabilities, insurance, military status, and live national data from facilities.


Liquified developed a web-based application and website that allowed users to pre-define parameters based on their lifestyle, needs, current treatment status, location, and dependances in order to filter and define an active treatment center that met their specific criteria. The application sourced active and up-to-date data available through a national database which refreshes on a daily basis. The user’s personal identity is not defined and kept anonymous and the data selected is non-bias.


Results included the integration of a national API providing expanded market awareness and use to those that have been impacted through addition and the national opioid crisis. Currently being used by individual users, family members, 911 centers, and social/crisis organizations nationwide.

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